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Religious Education Teachers’ Conference

16th July 2014 · 10:00am - 10:00am

In person | Virtual event

 Religious Education Teachers’ Conference

The British Humanist Association supported by Conway Hall Ethical Society presents a free day-conference for Religious Education teachers to explore Humanism and the inclusion of non-religious perspectives in Religious Education. Religious Education teachers know that for their subject to remain relevant and engaging it is vital that it includes non-religious perspectives alongside religious beliefs as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. This view is supported by the Secretary of State for Education and by the Religious Education Council for England and Wales. Surveys consistently show that a high proportion of young people are not religious and it is vital that these young people are able to explore their own beliefs as they develop their own moral and ethical framework that will take them through to adult life. The case for including Humanism in RE as non-religious worldview has never been stronger but RE teachers will be the first to admit that they would value extra support and resources to be able to confidently include Humanism in lessons. This day conference is aimed at Religious Education teachers Head Teachers Local Authority RE advisors RE subject specialists and co-ordinators to increase teachers’ confidence and competence in planning and delivering lessons that include Humanism. Registration is Free 10.00 – 16.00

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