School of Life Sunday Sermon: Tony Buzan on Daydreaming
20th January 2013 · 11:30am - 11:30am
In person | Virtual event

In dismissing daydreaming are we in fact under a collective delusion about how the brain works?; “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” —Albert Einstein; At school we’re taught that daydreaming is a bad habit that needs a cure – even a moral sin against productivity. If our attention wanders ‘too much’ we’re an air-head. At worst we’re labelled with an attention deficit disorder. But in dismissing daydreaming are we suffering a collective delusion about how the brain works? Tony Buzan argues that daydreaming is fundamental to genius and that wandering attention is no disorder. The great figures of history – from athletic champions to Einstein to Martin Luther King – have been clear about the role of dreaming for their inspiration. While most of ask what makes a genius so special Buzan asks given the vast potential of each of our brains why isn’t everyone an Einstein? For him one answer lies in our attitude to daydreaming. In his playful sermon Buzan will show us how to avoid the pitfalls of fruitless mind-wandering and cultivate our creativity and memory while we dream wide awake. Tony Buzan is a world-leading creativity expert. He is best known as the inventor of Mind Mapping a ‘Swiss Army Knife of the mind’ that has been credited with bringing about a revolution in developing Mental Literacy and creativity skills. The lessons he will share with us are the result of over 50 years of researching and writing on the creative mind in books such as Use Your Head and The Mind Map Book.; TICKETS: £15