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Show Up and Be Seen – Learn How to Connect Deeply with Others and Yourself

23rd June 2016 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Show Up and Be Seen – Learn How to Connect Deeply with Others and Yourself

We’re Esther and Leah and we can’t wait to welcome you to this workshop to explore these questions.

  • How often do you hold back on telling someone what you really want to say?
  • How often do you come away from events or gatherings annoyed with yourself for not really being YOU?
  • How often do you feel misunderstood or that nobody gets you?
  • How often do you wish you found it easier to let other people in?
  • And how often do you feel the relationships you have with the people in your life aren’t quite what you’d like them to be?

And now this:

  • What if you were never afraid to say the things you really want to say to the people you want to say them to?
  • What if you always showed up as who you really are and never had to feel that horrible twisty feeling in your stomach that you’re not being you?
  • What if you could more easily meet and create meaningful relationships with people who get you?
  • What if you felt more at ease letting people in and seeing you for who you are, even when that was really tough?

What would that mean for you, your life and your relationships?

Esther is a writer and coach and leads powerful workshops on topics ranging from connection to self-love, healing through writing and self-expression through personal style.

Leah is a writer, coach and entrepreneur and has been leading group workshops for entrepreneurs and creatives since 2013 with a focus on overcoming fear to live the life you’re here to live.

We’re BOTH fascinated by how people who are not afraid to do their own thing are the ones who are willing to show up and be seen for who they really are. They’re not afraid to show their messy and complicated insides, just as much as they share how amazing they are too. They’re proud to stand out in their own way and by doing so, they give others permission to do the same.

If you’re a creative, entrepreneur (or creative entrepreneur), writer, or someone with a desire to overcome their fear of being seen for who they are and connect in a deeper and more honest way with those around you, we’d love to invite you to this workshop.

Expect a session that involves lots of movement, writing, conversation, laughter, maybe some tears and a renewed sense of connection with yourself and those around you.

We get that signing up to something like this can be tough – you never know quite what to expect, right? And is it all a bit too woo woo? We can’t guarantee there won’t be challenging or awkward moments during the workshop, after all, that’s kind of the point! But what we can guarantee is that we’ll be in it together, that we’ll create as loving a space as possible and that we’ll have a lot of fun along the way.

We really hope to see you there!

If you have any questions before you book your spot or before the event, please contact Esther at

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