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Sunday Assembly London – Vision

6th March 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Sunday Assembly London – Vision

On March 6th we want you to join us for an Assembly with a twist. We want to speak to you about Sunday Assembly in 2016 AND we want to hear from you about what YOU want.

That’s right on Sunday March 6th we are going to spend a day casting a vision of Sunday Assembly London, and part of that vision is you.

Sunday Assembly London is nothing, nada, zip, rien without our incredible community. That’s you – you beautiful hunk of meat, bones and brain. We have done so much since we started but at the same time we are just getting going. We are on the foothills, on March 6th we’re going to try to have a look at the top of the mountain!

The question is: is this vision day for you? To help you out we’ve come up with a handy test.

Are you regular? This is for you
Are you semi-regular? This is for you.
Are you occasional? This is for you.
Are you new? This is for you.
Did you joing this facebook group by accident? This is for you.
Did you get the point? This is for you.

We want as many folk there as possible as we lay out the incredible journey that we want to go on with you, what you can expect from us and how we can build a loving community where everyone lives life as fully as possible.

This is the first day of this type that we’ve ever done – we’d be honoured to have you there.

THE PROGRAMME – See this overview of what to expect at a Sunday Assembly

YOUNG KIDS – There is an area at the front of the hall labelled Kids Club with some basic children’s equipment where parents can base themselves with their kids and still be part of the show. We need you to look after them at all times. We are used to, and relaxed about, marauding toddlers and but would love it if parents would try to keep noise levels under control and consider distracting babies by taking them for walk a outside the hall we are in if they are being noisy, especially during the moment of reflection towards the end of the show. Please ask one of our volunteer helpers if you need assistance in any way. There are baby changing facilities available at Conway Hall. Our venue is unfortunately unable to accommodate dogs (except guide dogs).

The London assembly is open to all and is free of charge, it is financed by a collection towards the end of the programme.
Come along and enjoy the show!

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