Sunday Lecture – An Atheist’s Guide to the Alpha Course
3rd February 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

An Atheist’s Guide to the Alpha Course; What can atheists learn from the church?; The Alpha Course runs in 162 countries and has been attended according to their website by 20 Million people. Over a 9 week period students are guided through Christian theology ostensibly to “Explore the meaning of Life”. Simon Clare an unabashed atheist signed up to his local course in Brighton wondering if his faithlessness would be challenged. Spoiler: He wasn’t converted but he was surprised at what he learnt about faith.; The new Archbishop Of Canterbury Justin Welby found his faith at the home of the Alpha Course and his election suggests that the Alpha model of spreading the word is now at the heart of Christianity’s struggle for survival. As well as giving an overview of the course from biblical history to singing in tongues Simon will discuss what atheists can learn from the Alpha Course.; Simon Clare runs Horsham Skeptics in the Pub and writes a regular opinion column for the Horsham District Post. He is also a founder member of the South East Skeptics Society; 11.00 £3 on the door/free to members; Free Tea & Coffee will be available.