Sunday Lecture – Does Population Matter?
19th January 2014 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

The Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; The world’s population went through the seven billion mark in October 2012 and only a very few people seemed to take serious notice. Only 200 years ago the world’s population had only just passed one billion. This seven-fold increase is arguably the most dramatic thing to have happened to our planet in human history but talking about it is almost a taboo. Why?; There is one place in the UK though where population is top of the agenda – and that is a small but growing campaigning charity called Population Matters.; Two of its Trustees John Collier and Nina Clarke will be coming to Conway Hall to set out the key facts explore the issues and to suggest some ideas about the way forward. There are no simple answers so a lively debate is anticipated with the words of one of the charity’s patrons David Attenborough as a possible starting point – “All environmental problems become harder- and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people”; John Collier is not only a geographer but also a chartered accountant and a businessman. He brings a very practical perspective to the issues. Nina Clarke was a Director of a private training organisation. She has wide experience of training business people and professionals both in the UK and abroad to communicate better in the English language to give their presentations impact to negotiate more effectively and to deal sensitively with other cultures. In the last year or two they have spoken together to a wide range of audiences and bring complementary but different perspectives to the issues.; 11.00 £5 in advance £2 concs./Free to Ethical Society members; Tea & Coffee will be available.