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Sunday Lecture – Multicultural Societies are the Future but Multiculturalism is at an End!

27th January 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am

In person | Virtual event

 Sunday Lecture – Multicultural Societies are the Future but Multiculturalism is at an End!

Multicultural Societies are the Future but Multiculturalism is at an End!; Professor Ted Cantle will suggest that multiculturalism no longer enjoys popular nor political support and suggests that we now have to adopt a new approach – interculturalism.; But this is not just a progressive re-branding – though that would help. More importantly multicultural policies need to change to accommodate more globalised populations and the new fluid and dynamic forms of identity. He argues that the strength of multiculturalism has been its emphasis on rights and economic conditions but that conceptually multiculturalism is still stuck in the 1960s. It has failed to adjust to the new realities and interculturalism is therefore more able to rise to the challenges faced by local and national communities.; Ted suggests that policy and practice needs to be urgently reviewed. The debate coincides with the launch of Ted Cantle’s new book Interculturalism: the New Era of Cohesion and Diversity published by Palgrave Macmillan; £3 on the door/free to members

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