Sunday Lecture – The Last Night: anti-work atheism adventure
1st December 2013 · 11:00am - 11:00am
In person | Virtual event

The Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; Our secular society seems to have finally found its new God: Work. As technological progress makes human labour superfluous and over-production destroys both the economy and the planet Work remains stronger than ever as a mantra of universal submission. Federico Campagna will discuss the rise to power of the new Work religion and will present the case for ‘radical atheism’. Drawing from a vast array of sources spanning from the Hellenistic ultra-hedonist Cyrainc philosophers to the Jesuit author Baltasar Gracian to the anarchist philosopher Max Stirner this lecture will explore ethical alternatives to the contemporary cult of voluntary servitude.; Federico Campagna is a writer based in London. His main fields of research are ethics and anarchism. His latest book is ‘The Last Night: anti-work atheism adventure’ (Zero Books 2013).; 11.00 £5 in advance/£2 concs. Free to Ethical Society members; Tea & Coffee will be available.