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The Case for Abandoning CO2 Emission Reduction Targets

10th July 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 The Case for Abandoning CO2 Emission Reduction Targets

Professor Evan Parker

Much has been said on Climate Change and you may have thought there is not much else to say. Well, think again!

It is the major problem facing humanity and unless we relentlessly pursue CO2 emission reduction targets, the global community will face catastrophe. This is the (misguided) mantra emanating from The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – manifest in the recent Paris conference, and is perceived as the current wisdom by the majority of nations.

Evan Parker will present, without prejudice, a re-examination of the prospects of Climate Change. He and a colleague have developed a unique view and will set out to convince you that we are pursuing the wrong targets and that this has resulted in activities that are unethical, counter-productive and that will almost certainly fail. He will propose an alternative global strategic response, and advice what should be done at both government and citizen level.

Evan Parker is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Warwick working on silicon nanotechnology. He has lead major national and EU programmes of research and has spun out two companies on solar cells- and, very recently, on sensor- technologies. Working with a colleague Dr David Williams, he has studied climate change for the last eight years. He is a Trustee of Conway Hall Ethical Society.    

Doors 10.30. Start 11.00

Entry £3, £2 concessions.(free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members – no tickets needed).

Brockway Room (Ground floor).

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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