The Crisis Of British Democracy
29th July 2019 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm
In person | Virtual event

Join GlobalNet21 and Conway Hall Ethical Society to discuss the crisis facing British democracy. Brexit has exposed some major faultiness in British Politics that has been growing over many years. Our representative form of government has often been grid locked and unable to respond.
It has led to movements that could undermine our democracy and existential crises like climate change where politicians’ ability and willingness to act questions democracy itself.
At this meeting we will look at five opinions about the crisis of democracy and alternative views of what can be done. We will ask five speakers to speak for 7 minutes and then open it up to the audience for comments and questions.
The five areas we will look at are,
a) Deliberative democracy and how we can get more people involved in deeper discussions about decisions
b) Direct democracy where in the digital world we can involve everyone in decisions at the touch of a computer key
c) Democracy led Elites where we try to balance the need for long term decisions balanced against short term electoral cycles
d) Cosmopolitan Democracy that looks at the need for tackling many problems globally and thus developing a democracy that crosses borders
e) Democracy Suspension – that in an existential crisis like climate change democracy may no longer be fit for purpose.
So come and join this debate and discussion and bring your own alternative models – as we face in the coming decade a growing crisis of democracy.
This event is Free to students and paid up full members of GlobalNet21 and Conway Hall Ethical Society. There is a charge of £5 for all others. Please sign up using the “Book Now” button.
This event is in the Brockway Room on the ground floor (accessible, with induction loop audio). For accessibility info:
It is part of Conway Hall Ethical Society’s charitable programme and is tax-exempt.