The Lost Narrative of Jesus
7th February 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm
In person | Virtual event

Of all the stories about Jesus, the transfiguration has been the most difficult to understand. It contains improbable, miraculous elements: a secret meeting on a mountain with Moses and Elijah – both long since dead, God speaking from a cloud, Jesus with his face and clothes transfigured by heavenly light. The story sits, with curious inconsistencies, uneasily in the gospels. There are two current theories: either that it is an allegory or a misplaced post-resurrection account. Peter Cresswell will carefully take you through the story of the texts to show that neither is right and, in the course of his investigation, causes the pieces of the puzzle to fall dramatically back into place.
Peter Cresswell studied Social Anthropology at Cambridge and went on to do a BPhil in Sociology at York University. After a varied career, he has returned to academic study, making a major contribution through the analysis of New Testament texts.
His most recent publications include The Invention of Jesus: How the Church Rewrote the New Testament (Watkins, 2013) and The Lost Narrative of Jesus (JHP, 2016).
Doors 10.30. Entry £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members.
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.