The Playing Human Conference
27th September 2018 · 9:30am - 4:30pm
In person | Virtual event

This year’s conference, The Playing Human, is taking shape and will take place on 27-28 September 2018.
“The idea for the title of this conference came from an article I read only recently on the topic of playing as adults, and my mind wandered back to an exhibition I visited in my teens at the art gallery, Louisiana, north of Copenhagen. The exhibition was called Homo Ludens – the Playing Human and was about play through time depicted in art and expression. This encouraged further inspiration through the book written in 1938 by Dutch historian and cultural theorist Johan Huizinga, “Homo Ludens”. A bit of context for those interested:“
Already there is a line-up of great speakers:
- Patch Adams will return and share his special joy
- Pady O’Connor will speak and play more
- Robert Holden will bring happiness to us
- Shonette Bason and her Spread the Happiness brand
- Linda Leclerc with her Laughter Yoga and chocolate specialty (really special)
- Merv Neal, The Laughing Man, will also be sharing his experience and Laughter Yoga
- Leif Hansen, Spark Interaction, will share his amazing work and play
- Jeremy Gilley, Peace One Day, to finish and close the conference on a peace note
Other speakers are waiting to be confirmed.
The standard fee of £300 is for both days; individual days can be booked at £150.