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The Rational Parliament – Should we extract shale gas by fracking?

26th November 2013 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 The Rational Parliament – Should we extract shale gas by fracking?

The Rational Parliament The Rationalist Association & Conway Hall Ethical Society presents; Do you think we should extract shale gas from underground using hydraulic fracturing (fracking)? Or do you not know what to think?; You’re welcome to this Rational Parliament debate about fracking – the balanced place to work out how you feel about fracking by listening and talking to scientists researchers political types campaigners and interested members of the public. In our debate no one has extra status over anyone else: your questions your views and your answers are just as valid as anyone else’s. We just make sure that there’s a few relevant and publicly funded researchers in the room. This is not a pro-fracking or anti-fracking debate. You decide for yourself. That’s our rational approach to debate.; Our energy demand is increasing and our natural resources are finite. Energy companies and the; British government argue that shale gas will create jobs and solve some of our medium-term energy supply problems. Environmentalists and others argue that the risks of fracking to extract shale gas don’t outweigh the benefits and that we should focus on greener energies.; Come with your evidence to argue your point or just come to find out what you think on 26 November!; This is the second sitting of the Rational Parliament an experimental debating society open to all.; Tickets £5. Doors 18.30

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