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The School of Life: Dance Night with Peter Lovatt

20th February 2014 · 7:00pm - 7:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 The School of Life: Dance Night with Peter Lovatt

The School of Life presents Dance Night with Peter Lovatt – SOLD OUT In Spring 2012 the dancer and psychologist Peter Lovatt gave a hugely popular secular sermon for The School of Life on how your body moves your brain. Now he’s back with his own dance night. Do you want to know how swing frees up memory and tango triggers creativity? Are you burning to learn how barn dancing boosts puzzle-solving powers ballroom hormones influence social identity and hardcore rave relates to intimate attraction? Lovatt will teach you the basic moves for a range of dances throughout the night get you dancing and share what he knows from lab research: how different moves affect our bodily chemistry creativity and emotions. Whether you’re a total dance novice who’s never been near a tea dance or an experienced Latin mover you’ll learn new moves and discover the surprising science behind them. Join us for a fun and enlightening dance night led by a seasoned performer who spends his days experimenting in the lab. Dr Peter Lovatt has been head of the Dance Psychology Lab at the University of Hertfordshire since founding it in 2008. Prior to this he traines in ballet tap and jazz and worked as a professional dancer.

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