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Treitler Quartet

12th March 2017 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

In person | Virtual event

 Treitler Quartet

Oscar Treitler (violin)
Caroline Waldemarsson Treitler (violin)
Jonna Inge (viola)
Emma Beskow (cello)

Ravel Quartet in F
Dutilleux Ainsi la nuit
Grieg Quartet in G minor Op.27

Find out more about the performers and repertoire by downloading the evening’s programme.

Pre-concert talk with Roderick Swanston at 5.30pm in the Brockway Room:

Challenging the tradition. Voices outside the German canon.

The Treitler Quartet is a young Swedish string quartet with a great passion for bringing the rich string quartet repertoire to a broad audience. The members of the quartet met at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, and after studying abroad at the Mozarteum, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Indiana University, and The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, they met back in Stockholm to immerse themselves in the study of the string quartet repertoire. In 2012 they gave a recital series in Stockholm that was followed by appearances at festivals around Sweden such as Music at Siljan, Värmland Chamber Music Festival “Kammarmusik i Vintertid”, Chamber Music Festival Kammarmusikfestival i Allhelgonakyrkan and Södertälje Chamber Music Festival. Perfomances throughout Europe include a recital at Villa Hagalund in Helsinki, and an upcoming concert at Conway Hall, London. Their intense performances have captured audiences and critics alike. The press has compared the Treitler quartet’s energetic style to that of the great Swedish Fresk Quartet. The quartet was awarded the Ensemble scholarship 2016 by the Swedish Royal Academy of Music.

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