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Trident Renewal – The Arguments

8th May 2016 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Trident Renewal – The Arguments

How much will the renewal of Trident actually cost? Have nuclear weapons really kept us safe since the end of World War Two? Is Trident even legal under International Law? The UK professes to be committed to ‘multilateral disarmament’ – but is that actually the case?
In this presentation, Quaker peace activist Timmon Wallis summarises the startling findings in his new book, The Truth About Trident. He pits facts, figures and logic against the major arguments for the renewal of the Trident program and finds that each one comes up wanting.

Dr Timor Wallis currently works on peace and disarmament issues for Quaker Peace & Social Witness and has been an active member of CND and other peace organisations over many years. In the 1980s he lived with his wife at a peace camp to stop Cruise Missiles being based at RAF Molesworth in Cambridgeshire. He subsequently studied for a PhD at Bradford School of Peace Studies on the impact of that campaign.

Doors 10.30. Tickets £3, £2 concs./free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members (no tickets needed).

Brockway Room (Ground floor).

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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