Ulster Altruism: Hazlitt and Hutcheson
15th September 2012 · 2:00pm - 2:00pm
In person | Virtual event

The Hazlitt Society Presents; The Annual Lecture: Ulster Altruism: Hazlitt and Hutcheson given by Terry Eagleton The eighth annual Hazlitt Society lecture at Conway Hall is given this year by Terry Eagleton the leading Marxist practitioner of literary theory and cultural studies.; He is a prolific writer whose output is a highly individual combination of sometimes highly abstract literary and cultural theory practical criticism of literary texts and political polemic. Literary Theory (1983) possibly his best-known work traces the history of modern intellectual traditions from the Romantics to the postmodernists. Eagleton has written compellingly on Hazlitt’s stature as a radical thinker.; Lecture starts 14.00 £ Free but booking required. After lecture tea will be provided in the foyer until 5pm