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Unlocking a Better World

16th July 2017 · 11:00am - 1:00pm

In person | Virtual event

 Unlocking a Better World

Of course we can imagine a better future for humanity. A future where all the UN Sustainable Development Goals are being met, where social justice and peaceful co-existence is the norm and where environmental concerns are being addressed.

But our seemingly innate appetite for over-consumption, our intolerance of cultural and religious differences, all pandered by inept political leadership – itself fuelled by monied elitism and varying levels of blatant corruption – seriously question such blue-sky scenarios.

Come along and partake in a stimulating discussion as environmentalist and global thinker Richard Priestley shares his insights into the key areas that need to be addressed to enable human beings to harmoniously co-habit our planet as we progress towards the 22nd century.

Richard Priestley is an environmentalist and activist. For the last decade he has spoken, taught and written extensively, including a blog on  ‘Global Problems: Global Solutions”

His work focuses on solutions to the complex web of problems ranging from climate change to hunger and poverty. He considers that inclusion of all sectors of humanity is key to pursuing fundamental reform at the social, economic and political levels. He strongly advocates pollution control, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

Doors 10.30. Start 11.00

Entry £3, £2 concessions. (free to Conway Hall Ethical Society members)

Brockway Room (Ground floor – accessible. Induction loop audio)

Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available.

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