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The EU debate – le crunch

Many of us still have to make up our mind on the EU Referendum. Rather than the vital facts we generally have heard exaggerated claims and biased conjecture, making it virtually impossible for the average person to take a well-informed view. Indeed, is it so complex a matter that all you can do is make a gut-decision based on your particular prejudice? Or can you do better than that?

Today could be your only and last chance to get properly informed. We have been very fortunate to secure distinguished speakers who will succinctly debate the critical information you need. Professor Takis Tridimas of King’s College London and Patricia Mary McKenna, well known activist and former MEP for Dublin will give you the hard facts you need to consider – on costs, immigration, trade, security and democratic and social issues and the range of possible ways these are affected by our ultimate decision. This will be followed by a vibrant discussion where you can express your opinion. You should then be well-positioned to put your cross in the right box

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