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The A2R Blog

The Alternatives to Religion blog is a collaborative project between Conway Hall and Bishopsgate Institute which sparked exploration of some of the ways people have tried to make sense of the world and live together ethically without the need for faith in a God or gods.

A young Doctor Stanton Coit

The photographs show a young Doctor Stanton Coit on holiday with friends on the French coast in 1889.

The Moral Religious Thinkers Conferences

Following the Moral Religious Thinkers Conferences in the 1920s, the link between education and religion continued to feature prominently in the Ethical Movement.

Joint Committee

In late 1919, the Union of Ethical Societies appointed representatives of South Place Ethical Society, the Free Religious Movement and the Union to form a Joint Committee to ‘consider and report as to the lines upon which it would be desirable to call a conference of Modern Religious Thinkers’.

Dinner in memory of Charles Bradlaugh

This photograph was taken at a dinner in memory Charles Bradlaugh, founder of the National Secular Society, in c.1910.

Golden rules of human behaviour

The ‘golden rules’ of human behaviour and are central concepts in humanism.

When the BHA almost wasn’t the BHA

When the BHA almost wasn’t the BHA.

One of the central concepts of humanism

One of the central concepts of humanism is that people should strive to “live full and happy lives…and, as part of this, help make it easier for other people to do the same”. Consequently, many humanists have a special interest in social reform and welfare.

British Humanist Association – the original “The Happy Human”

Here is the original design of the ‘Happy Human’ by Dennis Barrington, now the international symbol of humanism.

British Humanist Association – “The Happy Human” symbols

The ‘Happy Human’ is the international symbol of humanism. The ‘Happy Human’ symbols were used between 1965 and 1980.

An end to Belief?

Ludovic Kennedy explored the idea of belief and a Christian afterlife in 1984.

1 MI6 spy, 1 BBC Broadcaster & 12 children of Mrs Jones…

Leaflets from the BHA which were published shortly after the Association was formally created in the 1960s.

Arts, crafts and Humanism: Alternative christmas cards

Collection of humanist 1960s greetings cards.

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