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Swingday Assembly
Sunday Assembly London Presents:
Swingday Assembly
Get back into the swing of things this autumn with a swing dance party hosted by Sunday Assembly London! Enjoy a performance followed by a dance lesson. After that it'll be a full-on dance party with a DJ playing the latest electro swing hits.
In person | No Option
Lingua Diversa:
Language courses in Spanish, Italian, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and GermanLingua Diversa:
Language courses in Spanish, Italian, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and GermanLingua Diversa Group was founded by Esther and Lucio in 2002. They run lunchtime and evening courses from beginner to advanced level in: Spanish, Italian, French, German and Brazilian-Portuguese. The next term of group language courses runs for 12 weeks from 19 September to 9 December.
Conway Hall | No Option
Ethical Matters:
Queens of the Underworld: A Journey into the History of Female CrooksConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Ethical Matters:
Queens of the Underworld: A Journey into the History of Female CrooksTrue crime stories have never been more popular but where are their female equivalents to Ronnie Biggs and the Krays? Caitlin Davies reveals the incredible story of female crooks from the seventeenth century to the present.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
This Technicoloured Life
Sunday Assembly London Presents:
This Technicoloured Life
Cookbook author-turned-Outsider artist Sue Kreitzman will talk about her love of self-expression through clothing and her involvement with the Colour Walk community- a group of people who meet monthly to wear colourful clothing together. We invite you to dress up in your most vibrant threads and wearable art for the occasion!
In person | Virtual event
Open House Festival
Conway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Open House Festival
Explore our Grade II listed building, featuring both Art Deco and Arts and Crafts styles. Experience the Main Hall’s sublime acoustics, home to Europe’s longest-running Cham-ber music series; delve into the Library and Archives; and learn how Conway Hall makes ethics matter today.
Conway Hall | No Option
Antiuniversity Festival 2022:
Conway Hall Library TourAntiuniversity Now Presents:
Antiuniversity Festival 2022:
Conway Hall Library TourJoin Conway Hall's Librarian, Olwen Terris, for an introduction to Conway Hall's Library, including a special pop-up display of rarely-seen printed anarchist materials for discussion and debate.
Library | No Option
Create Communities, Not Cults
Sunday Assembly London Presents:
Create Communities, Not Cults
Author Matthew McNaught will share his own spiritual journey as described in his essay "Immanuel" and explore the ways in which communities that start with the best intentions are often plagued by tyranny and corruption. But it won’t be all fire and brimstone, we’ll also have sing-along pop and rock tunes!
In person | Virtual event
The Film Fair
Midnight Media Presents:
The Film Fair
Film Fans and collectors should head to The Film Fair with a selection of quality stands loaded with film memorabilia, merchandise, autographs & Star Guest signing. Our Star Guest is Caroline Munro (Hammer Horror & James Bond - host on Talking Pictures TV/The Cellar Club).
In person | No Option
Thinking On Sunday:
Expansion Rebellion – Stop the Third Runway, Save the WorldConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Thinking On Sunday:
Expansion Rebellion – Stop the Third Runway, Save the WorldThis is a story of hope in the face of widespread consternation over the global climate crisis. Celeste Hicks traces the dramatic story of how campaigning lawyers prepared the case to stop Heathrow Airport’s third runway.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Colosseum Wrestling Presents:
The arena rumbles with anticipation. The combatants await their fates. Destinies will be forged in combat. Witness a compelling, emotionally-driven professional wrestling extravaganza as it delves into the past to recover its roots and bring this ancient tradition back to form.
In person | No Option
London International Music Festival:
Batimbo Percussion MagiqueLondon International Music Festival:
Batimbo Percussion MagiqueJoin the London International Music Festival for its closing event with a special performance by Batimbo Percussion Magique from Burundi. It will be a great cultural event of rhythmic repertoire, dance and song. The evening includes a joint performance with London African Drumming and concludes with an Open Jam session.
In person | No Option
Ethical Matters:
Overruled: Confronting Our Vanishing Democracy in 8 CasesConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Ethical Matters:
Overruled: Confronting Our Vanishing Democracy in 8 CasesBritish democracy is on trial; we can no longer hold our leaders to account. At a crucial juncture for British governance, barrister Sam Fowles urges us not to take our freedoms for granted.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Thinking On Sunday:
Do Right and Fear No One: Birmingham Bombings to GrenfellConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Thinking On Sunday:
Do Right and Fear No One: Birmingham Bombings to GrenfellLeslie Thomas QC has dedicated his career to fighting for the underdog and holding the State to account. In this talk, he presents an intimate and personal record of some of the most significant legal cases.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
What kind of future do we want?
Sunday Assembly London Presents:
What kind of future do we want?
Fast-changing technology might bring all kinds of benefits. Or plunge us into dystopia. David Wood, Chair of London Futurists, will join us to help us explore how life could become significantly better in just a few short decades.
In person | Virtual event
England On Fire: A Visual Journey Through England’s Psychic Landscape
London Fortean Society Presents:
England On Fire: A Visual Journey Through England’s Psychic Landscape
Mat Osman (founding member of Suede, author of The Ruins) and world-renowned image hunter Stephen Ellcock discuss anarchic magic of their collaboration England on Fire. A mind-blowing selection of text exploring magic and mazes, ghosts and gardens, shipwrecks and cities.
In person | No Option
Thinking On Sunday:
Charged – How the Police Try to Suppress ProtestConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Thinking On Sunday:
Charged – How the Police Try to Suppress ProtestWho do the police protect? Join Matt Foot and Morag Livingstone as they reveal their investigation into 40 years of battling protest that reveals a hidden police agenda against dissent.
Brockway Room | No Option
Comedy Unleashed presents:
Chris McGlade – ForgivenessComedy Unleashed Presents:
Comedy Unleashed presents:
Chris McGlade – ForgivenessChris McGlade presents a fiercely powerful and critically acclaimed show about a brutally shocking story; his father's murder in 2011. How do you forgive your father’s murderer? Only Chris knows… Inspiring uproarious laughter, tears of sincerity and standing ovations, Chris’ conscientious comedy and cutting-edge poetry makes for a truly unforgettable show.
In person | No Option
Sunday Assembly London:
Queer BritainSunday Assembly London:
Queer BritainOur main speaker, Dan Vo, is an award-winning LGBTQ+ tour coordinator and museum consultant. As the marketing manager for the new Queer Britain Museum, the UK's first LGBTQ+ museum, he will talk to us about why it's so important to have a place where people can go to learn about the history of queer culture.
In person | Virtual event
Ethical Matters:
Polling UnPacked – The History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion PollsConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Ethical Matters:
Polling UnPacked – The History, Uses and Abuses of Political Opinion PollsOpinion polls dominate media coverage of politics, especially elections. But how do the polls work? Mark Pack gives us the full story, from the first rudimentary polls in the nineteenth century, to the very latest techniques and controversies of recent years.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Decode The Gita
Vedanta Institute London Presents:
Decode The Gita
‘Decode the Gita’ is a one-hour lecture to be conducted by Bhaskarji. Discover the relevance of the ancient wisdom of the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ in the modern times. In the words of Aldous Huxley: “Gita is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed.”
In person | No Option
I Contain Multitudes
Conway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
I Contain Multitudes
An evening of poetry and prose, exploring the world and works of Walt Whitman, America's 'poet of democracy'. Uncover the intertwined history of Whitman and Conway Hall, and experience London’s first performance of Whitman on Walls! – a new show weaving together film and live poetry performance.
In person | No Option
Sunday Assembly London:
How to Make an Apple Pie from ScratchSunday Assembly London:
How to Make an Apple Pie from ScratchOur main speaker, particle physicist Harry Cliff, will talk about personal stories of his own life in the modern world of physics while exploring the history of time (very briefly) starting from a fraction of a second after our universe began. And as always, we’ll have out-of-this-world pop and rock sing-alongs followed by tea and lively conversation.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Concerts:
Simon Callaghan & FriendsConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Sunday Concerts:
Simon Callaghan & FriendsTo close our spring 2022 series of concerts, Director of Music Simon Callaghan teams up with Conway Hall favourite, cellist Ashok Klouda and Benjamin Marquise Gilmore, Joint Concertmaster of the Philharmonia Orchestra.
In person | Virtual event
A History of Delusions
London Fortean Society Presents:
A History of Delusions
What made the King of France terrified he might shatter? The answer: Delusion – a fixed idea, not shared by others, unshakable in the face of decisive evidence to the contradicting it. As Victoria Shepherd explains, the brain can misfire in extraordinary ways.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Muriel Chemin – Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Odradek Records Presents:
Muriel Chemin – Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Muriel Chemin presents two sonatas, Sonata No. 3 in C major, Op. 2/3 and Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53 ‘Waldstein’, to celebrate the publication of her box set of the complete Beethoven piano sonatas on Odradek, in her trademark authoritative yet sensitive style.
In person | No Option
Ethical Matters:
The Lazarus Heist – Inside North Korea’s Global Cyber WarConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Ethical Matters:
The Lazarus Heist – Inside North Korea’s Global Cyber WarGeoff White examines how the Lazarus Group, a shadowy cabal of hackers, have harnessed cutting-edge technology to launch a decade-long campaign of brazen and merciless raids on North Korea’s richer, more powerful adversaries.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Sunday Concerts:
Northern Chords EnsembleConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Sunday Concerts:
Northern Chords EnsembleThis compelling trio of international musicians was formed through collaboration at the acclaimed Northern Chords Festival, founded in 2009 by Artistic Director Jonathan Bloxham.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking On Sunday:
The Suspect – Counterterrorism, Islam and the Security StateConway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Thinking On Sunday:
The Suspect – Counterterrorism, Islam and the Security StateRizwaan Sabir describes what led to his arrest for suspected terrorism, his time in detention, the surveillance he was subjected to and the impact of policing and counterterrorism on muslims in Britain.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly London:
Periods of ChangeSunday Assembly London:
Periods of ChangeChella Quint, science communicator, educator, and comedian, provides a positive approach to menstruation education. Her goal is to counter all of the negative portrayals of periods in the media, which lead young people to feel shame and disgust about their bodies.
In person | Virtual event
Language Courses in Spanish, Italian, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and German
Language Courses in Spanish, Italian, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and German
Lingua Diversa Group was founded by Esther and Lucio in 2002. They run lunchtime and evening courses from beginner to advanced level in: Spanish, Italian, French, German and Brazilian-Portuguese
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Concerts:
Maggini QuartetSunday Concerts:
Maggini QuartetMaggini Quartet are one of the finest British string quartets and 'among the most vivid, intelligent, witty and [...] musically risk-taking' (The Independent). Their programme for this concert features Mozart and Mendelssohn.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking On Sunday:
What’s Wrong with the House of Commons?Conway Hall Ethical Society Presents:
Thinking On Sunday:
What’s Wrong with the House of Commons?From lockdown parties to payments for lobbying, MPs are acting as if the rules do not apply to them. Hannah White argues that the reputation of the Commons is in a downward spiral.
Brockway Room | Virtual event
Pre-concert recital:
Royal Academy of Music, Junior Academy Chamber Music ShowcaseConway Hall Sunday Concerts Presents:
Pre-concert recital:
Royal Academy of Music, Junior Academy Chamber Music ShowcaseAn exciting snapshot of the outstanding chamber music programme that takes place each Saturday at the Royal Academy of Music.
In person | Virtual event
Sunday Assembly London:
The Art of ProtestSunday Assembly London:
The Art of ProtestReverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, a radical performance community based out of New York City, uses musical performance as a method of protest. Through direct action, they fight for environmental and social causes. Stop Shopping UK will tell us about their movement with speech and song.
In person | Virtual event
Thinking On Sunday: Technology, Climate, Justice and Rights – Can We Get The Whole World To Agree On Any Of Them?
Thinking On Sunday: Technology, Climate, Justice and Rights – Can We Get The Whole World To Agree On Any Of Them?
A. C. Grayling asks: can human beings agree on a set of values that will allow us to confront the threats facing the planet and ourselves, or will we simply continue with our disagreements, antipathies and even our possible extinction?
In person | Virtual event
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